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COSIMA Cookbook on Gadi

COSIMA is the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia, which brings together Australian researchers involved in global ocean and sea ice modelling. The COSIMA Cookbook is a collection of computational notebooks (called cosima-recipes) in the form of tutorials and documented examples that are curated on Gadi for analysing output from ocean-sea ice models.

Support Level: Supported on Gadi, but not owned by ACCESS-NRI

The COSIMA Cookbook is developed and maintained by COSIMA. While ACCESS-NRI does not own the code, it actively supports the use of the COSIMA Cookbook and its collection of cosima-recipes on Gadi. ACCESS-NRI provides access to the latest version of COSIMA Cookbook via the hh5 access-med conda environment for Model Evaluation on Gadi.

The COSIMA Cookbook framework focuses on the ACCESS-OM2 suite of models being developed and run by members of COSIMA. Nevertheless, this framework is suited to analysing any MOM5/ MOM6 output as well as output from other models.

Getting Started

The easiest way to use the COSIMA Cookbook is through the Australian Research Environment (ARE)" on Gadi.
To be able to access Gadi you need to have an NCI account. For more information, check how to Set Up your NCI Account.

To use the COSIMA Cookbook that is pre-installed in the conda/analysis3 environment of hh5, you need to join NCI project hh5.

  1. Login via ssh to Gadi and clone the cosima-recipes repository to your local directory.

  2. Find the recipes that you want to run and make sure you have access to the specific projects and their storage (e.g., project ik11 to get access to /g/data/ik11).

  3. Start an ARE JupyterLab session on NCI:
    Storage: gdata/hh5 (add the specific storage you need for the recipe you want to run)
    Module directories: /g/data/hh5/public/modules
    Modules: conda/analysis3
    If you are new to ARE, refer to instructions on Getting Started with ARE.

  4. Within the ARE environment, navigate to one of the COSIMA recipes and run the analysis.

COSIMA Cookbook information

For more information on the COSIMA Cookbook, refer to the cosima-cookbook GitHub repository, as well as the following lists of recipes:

Last update: October 17, 2024